Παρασκευή 24 Ιουνίου 2011

lets stay hidden....

The 'hidden showroom' is a very original creative space in Psyrri,runned by two very talented fashion designers Anna Petrides from Akira Mushi and Alexia Kirmitsi of Hysteria Asteria. The name they gave, made me think about all of us 'new' kids that need to communicate our work with the public.
Well,I think at the end of the day I prefer 'hidden' places ,that you need to discover,insteald of situations that are 'loud' and asking desperately for attention.
HALLELUJAH is a hidden place too but the joy on people's faces when they find it,makes me feel happy with my choice to create my oasis here. i m sure 'hidden showroom ' will be one of your favorite places very soon.the photos I took speak for it ,neighbouhood star,Anna's baby,Mushi,with a fluo tie around his neck....soooo cute...one of the good things of being hidden...you can keep your pets with you.
You will love IM.ME swimwear...beautiful colors,hot styles.
Special treat,rose drink from Cyprous....looovve!!!

HIDDEN SHOWROOM:6 Papanikoli str Psyrri
check it out!!

Τρίτη 21 Ιουνίου 2011

cute monsters...

Saturday afternoon had arranged to visit ARRGH ....at Benaki with good friend designer Ophelia.
After many days of heavy mood, heat that melts your mind ,difficulty of concentration...I did what I really needed...
watch people's beautiful work.....and I mean work(ass off)
Some of the pieces were graduation work of fashion designers from all around the world
and some theme pieces of various artists like 'our' George Tourlas (great sketches)or well recognised fashion designers like Yamamoto.
My eyes were happy to see sooo much love and craftmanship....
At the end there was a surprise;'unclepants' a conceptual special effect singer based in London,had a live performance at the 2nd room of the show.
That was really loud,strange and otherworldly.Still echoes in my head and Ophelia can't understand how he managed to move his dickshaped nose to the rythm.....
After,we had a drink at the Museaum's lounge and went to see Acropolis and my brother and his girfriend Sofia at their cute little recycle shop at Thiseio...
Saturday was fun...

Παρασκευή 10 Ιουνίου 2011

homo universalis

I was very upset these past few weeks due to all this fuss with the Square ....I said too much,I was very passionate about it ,mostly because my daughter's feelings,were so strong about it, that carried me away from my everyday life....and I was like a broken clock.
And all this lead me to thoughts about the universal human being.
Its not about travelling or being cosmopolitan.Its about being able to catch the rythm of the universe that is beating inside of everyone.

Two days ago I visited the very loving house of my friend Francee....she is such a unique person,so futuristic & old fashion at the same time.She does the most simple elegant fresh hair,and she weaves like Penelope,yes there are people in this city that are weaving....
So we started a bag project together.Bags made from old woven fabrics.
Her view is fantastic.Dont u think?

Πέμπτη 9 Ιουνίου 2011

when you smile....

.....the world becomes beautifull.
when you smile,people smile back to you.
when my friend Milena stopes by,we cant stop laughing and everything becomes new again. Here she wears my new 'bubble' dress and the beautifull 'babouska' she made on one of my 'egg' dresses...(she has a baby purse too...)

Keep smiling...its a gift