Τρίτη 16 Αυγούστου 2011

Holy-days...my tribe

Its very meaninful to spend moments of relaxation,comfort and sharing with your beloved ones...
Explorations at the high rocks that you never forget,feeding the fish with the kids at the afternoon,meditating  before the sun goes to bed,sharing food the old way, laughing....lovely people came to visit,and we are all under the spell of the place...I share with you my tribe's happy faces,hoping you're still somewhere out there getting sun and having great moments!

Σάββατο 13 Αυγούστου 2011

Holy-days..easy living

Summertime...and the living is easy.....
Becomes easier, when you unplugg yourself....no electricity...no roof...no floor...just the stars over your head..
Cooking by the fire, is something I enjoy very much...feels like I take a big step back at the time meeting my nona...

Freshly cut figs for breakfast,almonds that you open with a pebble..lyllipute tomatos...small pears...
all you need is love....pamparararam...all you need is love...
...I still carry this special perfume on ny hands...sand,sea,wood,fig,thyme,sage...love that makes everything make sense...


Just came back last night from our beloved paradise..
Peace and beauty everywhere...nature, the greatest healer conforted me and everyday in the sea I was thankfull for all the beauty and praying that this place stays pure....bees,thyme everywhere,beauty that brings tears in your eyes....

''Οu que me porte mon voyage,la Grece me blesse..."